Monday 20 December 2010


I think I have a romanticized view of Gypsies. In my mind, they either look as though they walked out of 'Little House on the Prairie', or they look like old-english Gypsies, you know, with the big hoop earrings, the shawls, the black hair, the jingly-jangly bracelets, singing weird songs around camp fires, etc. The reality is obviously a lot different (Cher Lloyd anyone?), but who doesn't like popping on the old rose-tinted glasses once in a while? Now, if anyone was going to be a 'Method-Model' it's Kate Moss. In this shoot, she apparently lived with travellers for 2 days, singing and dancing to old folk songs, lying in fields and gazing at the stars. Not too shabby. Here it is:

(, JustJared, W Magazine)

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